Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Una Vez Mas... ¿Dónde está La Ceiba?

When we look back on our trip together... maybe in a few weeks, months, years... whenever - we may see how and why God directed us to La Ceiba Honduras. Humberto del Arca and his team of regional pastors have already changed plans in Honduras and are making adjustments to accommodate our team - we are so blessed to be working alongside such a soldiers of Christ!

What might seem to be a journey filled with changes is a perfectly straight pathway to God... for the time being, we stand awaiting His purpose for this adventure to help the existing church in La Ceiba. Our free day at the end of this project will be spent in the coastal town of Tela.

We pray for the families affected by the tragedy of the TACA flight that overshot the runway in Tegucigalpa on May 30th. This airport has been described as one of the more dangerous in the world and maybe now something will be done about it. Today Honduras President Manuel Zelaya announced that he will engage his efforts to open the Soto Cano Air Base to international air traffic soon - however, it may be after our team arrives in Honduras.

Regardless of how we get there and the outcome of our efforts, one constant remains - our God is sovereign overall. Let us prepare our hearts for this journey together.

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